Hi! I had a great day today.
A) Chiropractor said I could cut down to once a week! I'd been going three times a week for a month, then I went twice last week, and this morning she said I was retaining the adjustments so well we are going to try once! This is great news because I'm almost at my $500 cap in my benefits.
B) After work I got a size 4 winter coat for Sage off Kijiji, and it was right around the corner from my dad's house, so I dropped off the sewing machine at the same time, surprizing him with my speediness in the return.
C) I also had a meeting tonight with my credit councellor, Francine. I'm done! DONE DIDDLY DONE DONE DONE!! And the student loan that I thought went to collections years ago was sent back to the bank! And is not appearing on my credit score! The only debt I have is my student loan payment and car payment!! I FEEL FREEEEEEEEEEEEEE!
D) I was feeling so good after the credit news that I bought Jake a new Pink Floyd t-shirt from the rock and roll t-shirt store.
E) Then I stopped at the Jerrit Center and bought 5 t-shirts and 2 shorts for the kids for $2.07. It's sold by weight. A dollar a pound. It weighed 2.07 pounds.
F) Then I bought Burger King for dinner and headed home. Jake peeled a gamepiece off his cup and won $50!!!
G) Jake also played in an online poker tournament and won $28!!!
H) I restrung my guitar yesterday and today found some of my original songs I'd written long ago and thought I'd lost. It felt good to play my songs again. Phlebotomy Blues and The Moon Song especially.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Lacy, gently wafting curtains.
For aeons I've hated the blinds in the living room and kid's room. Ever since we moved in, in fact (four years in September! my my how time do fly). Luckily the blinds I hated on the front door were quickly dispatched by Lacey. As the years went by, the children, time, and the sun succeeded in making the ugly blinds even uglier and less useful. So yesterday I bought a piece of pipe from Home Depot, and some material from Fabric Land and today I zipped together this fabulous window treatment!
These were taken in April and they'd broken down even further since then. As of today. the one on the far left was as broken and ramshackle as the one in the middle, but I couldn't wait long enough to take a picture once the curtains were finished. I ripped them off the wall (not hard because ALL the brackets were broken and they were being held up with duct tape) and threw them in a pile outside.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
I'll be sad when school is over, but not why you think.
It's really funny to try and figure out what's happened each day at school from the weird little stories Hayden tells. Yesterday when I asked him what he did at school he said that he and his class walked up the big stairs on top of the thing, and sang the song, and Madame Monique said good job, and then all the moms and dads were there.
What was the big thing? I asked.
A rocket ship. Yah a rocket ship with stairs on it. And we walked up the stairs.
Oh neat! Was that in the gym?
What song did you sing?
"Nous allons au l'Ecole Westmount"
Oh cool! Can you sing it for me?
Oh. What moms and dads were there? Lots of moms and dads?
No. yeah.
Lots of moms and dads?
oh. I didn't know there was a thing for moms and dads today.
Yah there were some moms and dads there today to watch us sing on the rocket ship.
And Madame Monique said you were good?
Yeah she said good job so I got a sticker can I have a sticker? I did a very good job.
And I cried inside because I missed the thing in the gym where all the jk's sang on the rocket ship. wahhh.
What was the big thing? I asked.
A rocket ship. Yah a rocket ship with stairs on it. And we walked up the stairs.
Oh neat! Was that in the gym?
What song did you sing?
"Nous allons au l'Ecole Westmount"
Oh cool! Can you sing it for me?
Oh. What moms and dads were there? Lots of moms and dads?
No. yeah.
Lots of moms and dads?
oh. I didn't know there was a thing for moms and dads today.
Yah there were some moms and dads there today to watch us sing on the rocket ship.
And Madame Monique said you were good?
Yeah she said good job so I got a sticker can I have a sticker? I did a very good job.
And I cried inside because I missed the thing in the gym where all the jk's sang on the rocket ship. wahhh.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Ice Balls and Sun Shades
We had a hail storm on Sunday afternoon. Jake was at poker. I gave the kids each a piece of hail to hold. Hayden put his on the table to save until Daddy got home. Incidentally, Hayden says Icek for ice. As though he were going to continue into "ice-cream". Icek. It's cute :D Also, notice the beautiful red wagon Grampa bought for the boys last week.
This photo does not do justice to the severity of the rain and hail coming down. There was thunder and lightning too, and about 10 mini power outtages, but the kids weren't too nervous.
Close-up of the hail onna ground.

More trying-to-get-a-shot-of-the-deluge attempts.
The other day in the grocery store I got little kiddie sunglasses for my cool cat boys. Yellow of course for Hayden, green of course for Sage. Sage says "uh oh, Dark!" when he puts them on. But I think he's getting used to them. I can't believe they haven't broken their arms off yet!
More trying-to-get-a-shot-of-the-deluge attempts.
A bit shadowy, but I love this shot. 

Hayden's make him look like Elton John. teehee!
Posing with the shades on, next to one of the two mattresses we just got gently-used from an ad in Kijiji. It's waiting till next weekend when we put Hayden's new bed together. We took the crib down this past weekend. Oh! And for those of you interested, we paid some people to take away a lot of big crap off our lawn. Old mattress, old fridge, old couch that had been outside for 2 years. Yay!
This picture makes me want to go and wake the boys up and cuddle/squish them.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Sunday, June 07, 2009
Thursday, June 04, 2009
Monday, June 01, 2009
Ode To Carol
Oh Carol, you are so old.
I laugh whenever your toes are cold.
Your birthday today we celebrate.
As a sister you are so great.
But not just a sister, you are a mom.
A wife. A daughter. You've been to the ROM.
In all your roles you are the best.
Now lie down here and take a rest.
Busy busy busy bee
Girlguides, Choirs, and daughters three.
So Have a Happy Birthday. Do.
You have to know we all love you!
I laugh whenever your toes are cold.
Your birthday today we celebrate.
As a sister you are so great.
But not just a sister, you are a mom.
A wife. A daughter. You've been to the ROM.
In all your roles you are the best.
Now lie down here and take a rest.
Busy busy busy bee
Girlguides, Choirs, and daughters three.
So Have a Happy Birthday. Do.
You have to know we all love you!
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