Monday, July 30, 2007
Cousinly Influence
Friday, July 27, 2007
Friday, July 20, 2007
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Szabbies Visit

Friday, July 13, 2007
It's been one week since you looked at me...
How could that week have gone by so fast? Weird.
I don't really have much to say. The other day the sky was really beautiful so I took some pictures.. here they are:

After I took those garden pictures, it really took off. The morning glories started up their strings, the pink petunia bloomed only two pink flowers, and all the rest of them were dark purple! Very strange. I noticed my garlic in the fridge had sprouted a light green stem, so I planted it in the garden too. Now it's dark green with spots of lighter green, almost like an aloe vera (is that normal?) and has about 4 thick chivey looking leaves coming out the top. My tomato has MANY flowers and is kind of leaning over. I NEED a tomato support cage asap. I'd started a couple extra pea plants inside and they were nice and tall, so I planted them the other day. A few weeks ago I'd soaked and added a few more pea seeds right to the ground, and I thought none of them had survived, but when I was planting the newest seedlings, I noticed two HAD survived although were quite small. We'll see how they grow!
Jake went blueberry picking the other day, and came back with a LOT of berries. They were so big and plump! We still have lots left, so I think I'll be making a blueberry cake this afternoon. My sister and her family are coming for the weekend, so it'll be nice for after supper tomorrow. The boys really like eating blueberries, and they're a nice convenient fruit to have cuz we can just put a handful on the highchair and Sage practices his pincher grasp picking them up one by one.
Friday, July 06, 2007
Garden Update
Here's the spinach and a snail statue my dad gave me a few years ago. The plant on the very left is actually a second shoot which came up after the initial stem fell over. It looks like there's three, but the middle one is the first one which has uprighted it's growth again. I did plant three to begin with, but the third died on a particularly hot day. I initially started five, but a couple of the seedlings didn't survive.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Canada Day Events

Monday, July 02, 2007
ASL don't fail me now...
Tonight, just now in fact, we got a knock on our door. Jake held Lacey back (but not too far back, just in case because he didn't recognize the guy knocking) and I approached the screen door. To my surprise there was a Deaf guy standing there whom I'd known from college. He had dated my friend Angela for a while, until she left him cuz he hit her or something. Or else he beat some other girlfriend up and was on trial for it.. or something. Or raped someone. Or Angela. Anyway he was a creep. And now he's on my doorstep. ASL rules flooded my brain. My vocabulary lists roared back to the front of my memory. I impressed him with my eloquent fingerspelling AND reciprocation of HIS fingerspelling - which incidentally I received all the while keeping eye contact with him as per our instruction oh so many years ago. Even tho Joe [teacher] was no where to be seen and if I'd stared right at his hand it would NOT have mattered. The exchange went like this:
guy: "I need in the gate" also speaking the words.
me: "No, closed. sorry."
guy: "I have a delivery for Thomas. You know asl?"
me: "A little bit. Owner (had to fingerspell owner, I forgot that one) doesn't live here. We rent."
guy: "They told me to deliver on Tuesday but I'm here and thought if I could open the gate I could just finish now. What time do they open tomorrow?"
me: "sorry. Open around 7am."
guy: "ok thanks. bye."
me: "bye."
And now I will repeat the whole conversation with elaborations and "what I should've said"s for the next two days.