Friday, February 23, 2007


I added comments to a couple of the pictures, if'n yous are interested.
Sage graduated out of his Jolly Dangler class, and is now a fully fledged Jolly Jumper! I took some videos, but I don't know how to post them. You'll have to settle for stills. You can tell he's jumping because he's blurry. And NO I didn't just shake the camera.

I love the expression on his face in this one - kind of blank or half surprised.Paused for a moment to ponder his feet. "Why can't I reach them?" he's probably wondering. He LOVES his feet. He tries to eat them all the time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Have I told you lately how GODDAMN CUTE that baby of yours is??? Friggin Hell! I want to borrow him. :)