Sunday, August 23, 2009


Today in the cold cloudy morning, my family went to Bell Grove and my dad took the kids out in his kayak! Unfortunately we forgot the new lifejacket at home, but we took a little risk and put Sage's floaty swimvest on them. My dad kept close to the shallow end of the lake, but the kids were so well behaved that none of us were worried too much. Although I did not bite my tongue fast enough to say to my dad that if they tipped over Hayden was the priority, not the boat floating away or sinking. I think he rolled his eyes at me for mentioning the obvious.

Hayden has to wear ear protectors when in the water because of his tubes. The added bonus was that they helped keep his ears warm cuz it was COLD.
The water was surprisingly warm, but we didn't play around in it too much because of how cold the wind made us afterwards.

After a while Hayden took a turn at paddling, but he said later it was too heavy to do for very long.
Nice plaid flannel shirt, Aunty Penny :) thank you! (birthday gift from last weekend)
Off center, sorry, but I didn't get many shots of Hayden paddling.
Everyone loved it! Grampa, Kids, us.. Tilly...
Jake being cold and pretending to look in the distance (because I posted that he does this on the Armstrong Wedding post). Sage is saying "Gwampa!"

Me "Get the stick in the water Tilly!"

Tilly "No."
Sage makes the cutest faces. Mid yawn face. Caught this moment of impact btw Sage's slapping hand and Tilly's run-by licking. Amongst the rocks. Both kids had two turns out in the kayak. Another cute Sage face.

I mangled this tonight..

I should've looked up the lyrics BEFORE I put the kids to bed.

One of my favorite songs Auntie Penny sang to us:

The Marvellous Toy
When I was just a wee little lad,
Full of health and joy,
My father homeward came one night
And gave to me a toy.
A wonder to behold it was
With many colors bright
And the moment I laid eyes on it,
It became my hearts delight.

It went zip when it moved and pop when it stopped,
Whirrr when it stood still
I never knew just what it was and I guess I never will.

The first time that I picked it up
I had a big surprise
Cause right on the bottom were two big buttons
That looked like big green eyes
I first pushed one and then the other,
Then I twisted its lid
And when I set it down again, here is what it did:


It first marched left, and then marched right
And then marched under a chair
And when I looked where it had gone
It wasnt even there
I started to cry, but my daddy laughed
cause he knew that I would find,
When I turned around my marvelous toy
Would be chugging from behind.


The years have gone by too quickly it seems,
I have my own little boy
And yesterday I gave to him
My marvelous little toy:
His eyes nearly popped right out of his head
And he gave a squeal of glee!
Neither one of us knows just what it is
But he loves it just like me!

It still goes... (refrain)

Sage's Birthday Party

This year my dad offered to have Sage's party at his house. The fenced and shady back yard was a real treat for everyone! Only I got a sunburn, while bbqing. Oh well.

Chris and Robbie Nerpin say Hi to the birthday boy.

My dad got an awesome inflated pool which was the focal point on this hot day for all the kids. A few adults were eyeballing it too.
Cupcakes baked in icecream cones topped with ice cream were a yummy chocolatey treat for everyone. I even stuck smarties in the bottom of the cones and a couple on top of the ice cream to nod at the traditional smartie cake.

"Born freeeeeee, free as the wind blows..." Anya dries off.
Cousin Connor participated in a teenage-way.

Princess Hannah plays in my dad's zen garden.

Fun in the jumpy castle!
More fun in the jumpy castle!! Jake bounced all the kids around and NOBODY bit their tongues or bonked heads.
Presents in the shade. Cousin Fionna on the left. Kicky Sage in the middle.

Sage loves his new floaty swimsuit from the Szabbies.
A hug from Grampa for receiving the sit n spin. I didn't realize a diaper change was happening next to this.

Uncle Ron and Auntie Penny.
Thanks for coming everyone! It was a really fun party, and almost stress-free!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

This Is My New Post

I think there's a time and place for vanilla ice cream.

Sunday, August 09, 2009

Teri-Mai and Craig's Wedding

Saturday August 8th, 2009 was the day our friends Teri-Mai Laforet and Craig Armstrong got married. The ceremony was beautiful. Their personally written vows were fantastic (and at points humorous!). When asked if anyone knew of a reason they should not be married, Teri-Mai looked at the audience with a fierce "don't you dare" glare, everyone broke out laughing. It was immensly touching and I cried a lot; as she walked down the aisle and at many points during the ceremony. Unfortunately my camera batteries pooped out after I took a picture of the little kiddlets, so instead of digital memory, I promised myself to use my biological memory and experience everything to the fullest extent that I could.

I did get a couple of pictures in, one was of the videographer and his uni-pod. If a tri-pod has three legs, what do you call a stand with only one leg?

My friend Katie coming down the aisle. Flash didn't work, this was the second last picture. Maid of Honour Sam in the doorway behind Katie.

And then these cutie patooties!! Neice of Teri-Mai and Nephew of Craig.

That was it for the ceremony. You'll have to visit my mind for more. Or maybe I can get a few shots from someone else who had fully charged batteries.
After we hugged and kissed our way through the receiving line, Jake and I went to the store and got some energizers. Then we went to the reception. We were the first ones at our table and I was a little bored so took some time-wasting photos.

beautiful ... floating candles over submerged orange and light orange cala lillies.
Jake loves either to look into the distance when getting photographed...
..or directly, piercingly, axe-murderishly into the camera. We both look like creeps in this photo. Creeps in love tho :)
We had a table in the back, so when Mr and Mrs Armstrong were announced and made their grand entrance, this is what we saw:
Before dinner was served, the newlyweds wanted to dance their first dance. The song was Celine Dion's "My Heart Will Go On" (from Titanic). I thought "well that's a little traditional.. but I guess they went the traditional way."
Then there was a needle-pulled-off-the-record sound. They're saying "what the heck?"
And THEN hip-hop music started and they busted an extremely well-rehersed and coreographed set of moves, and we all went WILD.

I had to take a "tinking glasses" kiss shot.

The Head Table.

Derek and Jim behind them there had played some of the music in the ceremony. Derek is at CBS (as are Teri-Mai and Craig and half the wedding party and lots of the guests) and Jim used to be at CBS too.
Teri-Mai is making a funny face so I included it here. Mostly I wanted to show off her dress. I wish I got one of her standing alone. Oh well.

I did get one with her and me.
And of course one with Craig too.
The man who made our attendance possible:
And some shots of us in our nice clothes, behaving like fully mature adults, of course.