Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Roxy Roller

Today Sage rolled from his stomach back onto his back for the first time! Jake had changed his diaper on the floor in the middle of the living room, and afterward he rolled onto his tummy, paused just a moment, then kept going! He ended up in front of me by the couch. What a cutsie way of travelling! A dizzy way as well. Also he's beginning to sit by himself for longer and longer periods. And by periods, I mean anywhere between 10 and 45 seconds. He's so big now, he's wearing 12 month and some 18 month clothes. He's catching up to Hayden FAST. It seems like I just put these things away, and I'm dragging them out again. His beautiful striped coat is almost too small, it's size 6-9 months, but luckily made larger because A) it's a coat and B) it's from the Children's Place, which tends to have larger sizes. Walmart clothes tend to be smaller. It's really odd. Carol's got a six-month outfit that pretty much fits the twins (keep in mind they haven't hit 6 lbs yet), and I've seen outfits by different companies that are labelled the same size, but are DRASTICALLY different in length/girth. Why is there no standard for kids clothes? If you go into one store and buy a size 8 dress (HAHAHAHAHHAAAA!!! When would I be buying a size 8 dress???!!!?? HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAAAA!!!) wait, now I've lost my train of thought.

did I mention I was tired?

something about clothes...

maybe I'll just go to bed.

Melanie Rawn

Yesterday I got an email from someone I didn't quite remember. In the "sent by" column it said Melanie Rawn, which sounded familiar but I couldn't place her. Then confusingly enough, the body of the email said "We at Melanie Rawn want to wish you a very happy birthday!" It was sent at 3am, and gave me a "junk mail" kinda feeling, but how did they know it was my birthday? "We at Melanie Rawn"? I thought it was a person, but sounded more like a company. I googled 'Melanie Rawn' and was excited to find out that she's the author of a really good (yet incomplete as of yet) series that I started reading when we lived around the corner from the library in Coniston. She's also written 2 other serieseses, a bunch of independant novels, and some short stories. I've read the first two of the Exiles series (where some people have the ability to do magic) but was thoroughly frustrated when I discovered that the third wasn't even written yet. How rude. ESPECIALLY when the second book ends in a very enthralling cliff hanger. I'm going to get her Dragon Star and Dragon Prince serieseses from the library. Those are complete. The website said so. I hope they're good. In case YOU are interested:

And they knew it was my birthday because I'd signed up for her fan club.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Happy Birthday to ME!

Happy Birthday to me,
Happy Birthday to ME!
Happy Birthday to MEEEEEEeee!

and many moooorrreeeee....

Monday, February 26, 2007

Home From North Bay

So I'm home, and my birthday is in 25 minutes. Here's some of the photos I took of the Szabbies. They're all pretty cute, I must say!

Me and the Twins. I forget who's who. I think I'm the tall one.
I think Dhara is on the left, Elora on the right.
Here Anya's peeking in at the "tiny babies" as she calls them.
BJ helping Anya put the soother in one of her sisters' mouths.
The cake I made! Parents, note the crystal platter is the one you gave them for Christmas. I was just going to put sprinkles all over, but Carol suggested I create a design and helped me place the sprinkles. We called it a Galaxy Nebula Cake.
Szabbie girls all lined up.
Szabbies ona Couch
I found a new feature on my camera: the extreme close-up. Subject at hand at the time: Anya's leftover breakfast.
Elora on the left, Dhara on the right, catching some jaundice-reducing sunshine. Sage often sleeps with his arms up how Dhara's doing it. So cute! Remember when YOUR arms didn't reach the top of your head?

Saturday, February 24, 2007

New Addition

You may have noticed that there's a new addition to the blog: Carol added a link to her Flickr site. And just to prove that I am not a copy cat, I have once again changed the layout. I changed a few weeks ago because TWO of my blogger and personal friends changed theirs, and I got in the mood for a new look, but the mood has struck again.

So voila! Presenting Jennifer's New Blog.


PS I miss my kids.

Off to North Bay!

I'm off to North Bay to visit my sister and her family, and help out with the twins! OOOOoo! Twins! They came home from the hospital yesterday, and today BJ is going to Orillia to pick up their new-to-them minivan. I can't wait to see the almost-one-week-old babies! Pictures either Sunday night (if I'm not too engrossed in the Oscars) or possibly Monday. Stay tuned!

Friday, February 23, 2007


I added comments to a couple of the pictures, if'n yous are interested.
Sage graduated out of his Jolly Dangler class, and is now a fully fledged Jolly Jumper! I took some videos, but I don't know how to post them. You'll have to settle for stills. You can tell he's jumping because he's blurry. And NO I didn't just shake the camera.

I love the expression on his face in this one - kind of blank or half surprised.Paused for a moment to ponder his feet. "Why can't I reach them?" he's probably wondering. He LOVES his feet. He tries to eat them all the time.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Presenting Robbie Nerpin

Be sure to scroll down past the most recent post, cuz I put up two at a time yesterday and today.

I went to go see Sabrina, Chris, and little Robbie today in the hospital. He's such a little sweetheart! He's a very busy little baby. He ate, pooped, peed, puked, cried, and slept all in the two hours I was there. He managed to cover Chris's shirt and pants with burp-up, and while he was getting his poopie diaper changed, he decided to see how far he could get more poop to fly.

Congratulations to the beaming parents on a beautiful little boy!


Elora didn't get much camera time on my part because I wasn't allowed into the nursery. My dad was tho, cuz he's the Grampa. Here's a picture he forwarded to me of little Elora just before she gets fed by her mommy. She had to have a feeding tube for the first few days, but I was informed today she ripped it out herself, and now can suckle a bottle! Carol's pumping like mad trying to get her milk to come in, so they can get off the formula. One step at a time, hopefully ending up with each of them breastfeeding at the same time. While we're wishing, let's wish that they both eat really quickly. So to sum up our optimal wish for Carol: simultaneous twin feedings lasting 20 minutes, with 2.5 hours in between of baby sleep so she can have a shower whenever she wants, eat whenever she wants, and make peanut butter sandwiches for Anya whenever she wants.

k I'm off topic. Here's Elora!

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

More Szabbie Baby Photos

My dad and I went out to North Bay tonight to see Carol and her family tonight. Here are a select few of the 50 shots my camera took. It was kinda like the paparazzi at times, with the three of us proud as punch while we took shots of the momentous occasion of Anya meeting the twins for the first time, Grampa meeting them for the first time, and the first time the Szabicots were all together.

The dry air in the hospital aggrivated the tail end of the cold I'm mostly over, so I wore a mask so no germs would get on little Dhara. Sadly Elora was not allowed out of the nursery because she's too weak to nurse or even take a bottle yet. She's got a feeding tube, and to be on the safe side, Carol tries to breastfeed her in the nursery. Dhara is strong enough to take a bottle, and as soon as her milk comes in, Carol will be able to stop supplementing them with formula.

Me and Dhara

Carol's "oh my god it's TWINS" face. She said she was trying to look more awake. You're beautiful, Carol.
Grampa and Dhara
BJ helping Anya wash her hands before visiting with her sisters for the first time. Isn't that little gown so cute? Oh and BJ and Carol both have coughs as well, which is why they wore masks too. I wasn't a parent, sister, or grandparent to the babies, so I wasn't allowed into the nursery. That's why there's wirey glass in the extreme foreground of these pictures. The twins are in that basinet to BJ's left.

Obligatory shot of Carol taking a shot of my dad taking a shot of Anya and the twins.

The Five Szabbies!The Five Szabbies and a nurse who was doing vitals.
Anya giving Dhara some love.

The Five Szabbies where you can see them all, and no nurse in the shot!

Hopefully they will be allowed to come home Friday, but they'll have to wait until Elora is strong enough to suckle either a bottle or breast. Wish her strength everyone!

Babies Everywhere!

Congratulations to our most excellent friends Sabrina and Chris who had their first baby on Monday February 19th (yesterday) at 9:32pm. Against the 98% of the human female population, Sabrina's water broke 11 days before her contractions started. She was pre-term which is why the doctors did not induce. She had antibiotics to keep the risk of infection down. But he finally arrived! Little Robert Christopher Hubert tried to make his way out naturally, but got stuck at 7 cms. They did an emergency c-section and Robbie was delivered. He's a very healthy 9 lbs 2 oz and 21 cms long. I hear he has hair and looks like his mommy. I will be visiting the family tomorrow and taking photos, so check back to see him.

Way to go guys!

Incidentally, Robbie's due date was March 17th, and Dhara and Elora's due date was March 20th. Kind of interesting that they were all born within a day of each other, even tho they were all earlier than expected! Chris and Sabrina are sure the doctor had the due date wrong tho. Imagine if he was right, how big Robbie would've been? Also of interest, Jake works with Chris, and they had a baby pool of which we won half, since someone guessed the 18th and we guessed the 20th. Yay for winning!

And yay for babies!! Babies Babies Everywhere!

Monday, February 19, 2007

Happy Birthday Dhara and Elora!

Carol's water broke just before 7am yesterday morning, and they went to the hospital even though she wasn't having contractions yet. They wanted to keep her there because of the risk of infection with broken membranes and no labour started yet. The midwife recommended and Carol agreed that there would be far less risk of infection at home than at a germ-ridden hospital, so Carol signed herself out AMA (against medical advice) and went home. She promised to go back for a 6:30pm appointment for a non-stress-test, so they could check that the babies were still doing okay. I talked to her just before 6, and she said she'd been having a little bit of cramping, but nothing too serious. Then while I was on the phone with her, she had one that was a little more business-like. I told her I would come out right after supper. I didn't want to miss supper because my dad was coming over, and I wanted to visit with him. After dinner Jake and I loaded the car with baby stuff I was giving back and clothes I was donating, and I was on the road by 7:25pm. The roads were clear, so I sped most of the way, but just after Sturgeon Falls I got stuck in a line of traffic going slowly behind a minivan doing the darned SPEED LIMIT. Guh. As if! I stopped for gas in case I couldn't find a 24-hour one later, and found the hospital alright. The parking lots threw me, because they were so empty! There were only a couple cars in the hourly parking and only one car in the daily lot. Also confusing was that the North Bay hospital parking relies on the honour system, hoping you'll buy a ticket and place it on the dashboard. They don't even have gates to go through! I didn't have cash, and decided to find an ATM later, so parked without a ticket and went off on foot to find a door that was open. Visually the main door looked like a side door, but I knew approximately where to go in because Carol had kindly drawn me a map with a bright red arrow. I got to the right door, but had to use the intercom to get the switchboard to buzz me in. I got in, but then turned the wrong way after leaving the elevator, wasting even more precious seconds but FINALLY found the right room. Just in time to see the doctor stitching up a small tear. I got in the room at 8:55. I had just missed everything. Dhara was born at 8:29, and Elora was born at 8:43. But oh are they ever precious! Dhara weighed 5 lbs 13 oz and was 46 cm long. Elora weighed 5 lbs 5 oz and was 47 cm long. Carol and BJ called Dhara short and squat, and Elora tall and thin. We all had a good laugh at that, since the differences are so small, they hardly qualify for those descriptions. They both have lots of hair, although Dhara's seemed a tad lighter than Elora's, but it will be better to tell once they've had their first bath. Other than that, it's very hard to tell them apart! We're all looking forward to when their features become more defined so we can see if they're identical or not. Apparently just because there were two amniotic sacs doesn't mean they can't be identical. And there was only one placenta. So after I got there, I helped while Carol was cleaned up and started to feed the little ones. She filled me in on the rest of her story. She got to the hospital for her 6:30pm non-stress test, contractions getting steadily stronger. She proceeded to have a very painful back labour, which is more painful than regular labour. Carol had back labour for Anya also, lucky lady. She went in the shower which was in her own private room, and I guess that helped for a while. She caught everyone off guard by feeling the urge to push way before the room was fully set up for the event. Apparently Dhara's head made it's appearance before the table with all the instruments was even in the room! A whirl-wind birth, taking less than 4 hours from start to finish set the obstetrician on edge, and after Dhara was born, he complained to Carol that she pushed too hard. BJ asked if he wanted to put the baby back in so she could do it again. I'm not sure if he said that at the time, or if it was just in his head, but it was funny. Carol's midwife Cathy was there, a solid rock of support for Carol and BJ. She fought off the nurses who wanted to whisk the babies to the nursery, even tho they were perfectly healthy. The pediatrician was there at the birth and had told Cathy that Carol could keep the babies in her room with her, and when the nurses had to do testing or other procedures on them, to do it in the room - not to take the babies away to "baby jail" as Cathy called it. Carol called me this morning to say that the nurses had tried five times to take the babies away - for no other reason than they were used to doing it that way. The babies were perfectly healthy and happier in the room with Carol where they could have a drink whenever they showed signs of suckling. Way to stick to your guns and not let 'em Carol!

And on to the pictures.
Dhara 5 lbs 13 oz

Elora 5 lbs 5 oz

Elora on the left, Dhara on the right

Elora on the left still, Dhara on the right

Elora left, Dhara right

ha! Switch up. Dhara on the left, Elora on the right.

Dhara left, Elora right

Dhara left, Elora right

The Happy Family - thinking of Anya

aww, love those duck-lip kissies

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Six Months Old

Guess who just turned six months old? Little tiny 21 pound Sage! He's almost 28 inches long, cutting two bottom teeth and miserable, also he's just entering his 6-month growth spurt so is hungry all the time.

The new literature says not to introduce solids to babies till they're six months old, so I haven't been very consistant with giving him food food so far. Besides rice and oatmeal cereal, he's had sweet potatos, pears, and bananas. He loves those pureed foods! He actually laughed when I gave him pears. I guess pear is a happy food. We used to have a pear tree when I was a little kid, so they've always had a sweet spot in my heart.

Pictures to follow. He's still asleep, and since he's had a couple rough nights I don't want to disturb him.

shhhhh Happy Half Birthday, Sage!

Friday, February 16, 2007

Comings and Goings

Well first off, apparently 'tis the season to change one's blog's appearance. "Everyone else is doing it, so why can't we?" as the Cranberries would say.

Jake and I had a really awesome Valentine's day. I totally fooled him with my gift. He said he wanted a Wii points card, and I did manage to get the last one from Wal Mart's shelf, however since he'd ASKED for it, I wanted him to think he wasn't getting it so he would be surprised. I bought a cheap-o Jackie Chan movie that I never heard of and carefully opened the cellophane and then put the card inside the DVD case. Then I repackaged the movie into the plastic wrapper, taped it up, and wrapped it. He didn't notice the excellent surgical procedure on the cellophane, and was nicely disappointed when he opened it up. I urged him to open the movie all the way so we could watch it. He said he didn't want to cuz then he couldn't return it. I urged him some more and then when he got it open, WHOA was he surprised. HA! Gotcha. I've been trying to surprise him forever, ever since I went down to visit him on his birthday one year without telling him I was coming. He SAYS he clued in to my visit because his mom left a key to the house in their mailbox (so I could let myself in) but the jury is still out. Anyway, he was tricked this time, by golly. He'd gotten me an aerobic workout step, since that's what I'm into these days and I didn't have one. He couldn't surprise me tho. He told me my present was in the trunk of the car, so not to look in there, which I didn't, but after I came back from shopping for HIS present, I told him I looked in the trunk and saw my step. He said "Aww! You peeked!" and I said "Ah HA! I DIDN'T peek! I just guessed! But thanks for the confirmation." I not ONLY surprised him for his present, I guessed my own! I am the champion! What game I'm playing I'm not too sure, but I'm definitly winning.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Carol's Twin Party - Feb 3rd

Hayden and Anya try out the double stroller.
Twins Profile - 6 weeks to go!
Cousin Wendi (Hannah's mom)
Carol demonstrates the twins' postions with her new piggie banks (roughly actual size of the twins at that moment)
Auntie Sandy (Gramma to Hannah) with Anya
Cousin Cheryl (mother of four) with Sage
Left to right: Gramma Elizabeth, Alisa, Emily, Danielle, andCheryl
Auntie Penny shows Hayden and Anya how to blow a Smartie horn - unsuccessfully
Carol's neighbour and friend, Chantelle
Me in our kitchen doorway.
Carol and Jason (father of four and son of Auntie Elizabeth) and Alicia's eyes.
Carol shows off the outfits I got for the twins. Matching of course!
Cousin Alicia (Auntie Penny's daughter) hold baby Hannah.

If you'd like to see ALL the photos from the shower, please visit