Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Crappy Halloween!

It seems the Yukon is not the only place experiencing crappy Halloween circumstances this year. The weather called for rain this afternoon, with chance of it continuing into the evening. Chance. It was sunny in the early afternoon, greyish by 5pm, and by 6pm after Marlene and I had gotten the kids' costumes on and we were ready, it had started to drizzle. "Luckily both kids costumes have hoods" I thought to myself. Little did I know Sage would refuse to keep his tiger hood up, or his little tiger mittens on. "Oh well, it's raining a bit, but at least it's not freezing" I thought to myself. Little did I know the wind was whipping around so much it would feel a lot colder than it was. We tried it anyway. Marlene held Hayden's hand and I pushed Sage in the stroller, and we crossed the highway into suburbia. It was cold. Sage let me put his hood up, probably because it was cold. Hayden went up to his first house and Marlene went with him, and he said "trick or treat!" but I'd forgotten to give him his bag, which was in my pocket. At which point I noticed Sage's bag that I'd hooked around the steering wheel of the stroller had blown away when we crossed the road. Drat. It didn't matter though, because we only went to two more houses before I decided that was enough and we went back home. 30 minutes of trick or treating, 3 houses, not a lot of goodies. Just as well because I'm trying to eat healthier. The last house we went to gave a lot tho, a little plastic bag with a can of Pepsi, a full-sized Coffee Crisp, and a little bag of ruffles. I just ate the coffee crisp. Hayden and Sage ate all the rest of the candy. Which I think is pretty good. Now it won't hang around tempting me. Next year better be not raining or miserable!

Ready to strike out and get some candy!

Hayden's first house.. no bag. I had it.
Looks like snow, but it's rain on the lens. Hayden's second house and first honest to goodness trick or treating, WITH bag.

Dividing the spoils.
I would've taken more pictures of them with their costumes on, but they were wet from the rain, and I wanted to take them off right away so they wouldn't be hanging around in wet costumes. I'll see how they are tmr (not-grumpy-wise) and maybe take some more pictures of them in costume then.

Monday, October 29, 2007


We got a little video game toy for Hayden a while ago. It was only $10. It's a set of bongos, one red and one blue, and there are six little mini-games where Elmo or another Sesame Street character tells the kid to push either the red bongo or the blue bongo to make things happen. Hayden loves playing with it, until Sage learned how to rip it out of the tv and now he loves dragging the bongos around.

Sage walks around like a champ now. We should probably shoot some video of it soon...

This morning Hayden was playing with the orange kitty and a paper towel. It was very cute.

The other kitty was sleeping on the elephant pillow. I had to take a picture.

Or two..

Incidentally, we tried the green makeup on Sage the other night and it didn't go one well at all. We've therefore trashed the Frankenstein's Monster idea and are just going ahead with the tiger costume.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Chai Tea

I have recently been introduced to Chai Tea *takes a sip*. It tastes like spice cake and a hug, all in one lucsious mug. *takes another sip*

My friend Katie wasn't feeling well and couldn't come over to play poker and she was telling me about how sick she was, and how our other mutual friend Teri Mai had brought her a Chai Tea to help make her feel better *takes two sips*. I thought it was cute she specified what kind of tea. Then a few days later, I went by Teri Mai's desk at work and she was pouring her tea into a spill-proof cup, and the aroma made me inquire. She informed me this was Chai Tea, and offered me a sip *takes three sips while thinking and re-reading*. I, of course, was hooked instantly. I swore never to buy another plain tea from Tim Horton's again. When making them at home, Teri Mai and Katie both make it with hot milk, no hot water at all. Then a little sugar, Katie adds whipped cream on top, and voila! A Splendid Drink. *sip*

I encourage everyone to try it. It's only $1.39 for a large at Tim Horton's. I was getting them Double Double, but have weaned myself down to One Cream, One Sugar. It is, *sip* in my opinion, *sip sip* the best. *glug*

Saturday, October 27, 2007

It's Official

I Have Begun Shopping For Christmas.

Before Halloween.

*gives self a gold star*

Tuesday, October 23, 2007


Did I scare you with my new blog look?

Jake carved one of our pumpkins last night, and it turned out really well! It's a ghost from Nintendo's Mario games, in case you didn't know.

I'm studying verbs for school tonight. Here. You can be a part of it. I will now type out the 16 verbs to use with etre (hat) for you, with their participe passes (egoo), without looking.

aller alle (egoo)
rester reste (egoo)
retourner retourne (egoo)
arriver arrive (egoo)
sortir sorti
revenir revenu
devenir devenu
venir venu
entrer entre (egoo)
rentrer rentre (egoo)
mourir mort
naitre (hat) ne (egoo)
partir parti
repartir reparti
tomber tombe (egoo)
verbes pronominaux (reflexive)

As you can see, I have them all quite memorized. I do not, however, know how to get an accent egoo on here. Also I do not know how to spell egoo.

What I do know is that I'm finally done interviews for the full time positions, all 65 of them, and I am VERY thrilled we are finished. Everyone will be notified this week if they were successful or not.

Aaand.. back to French.

let me type out my verbs again to practice.

aller rester retourner arriver sortir revenir devenir venir entrer rentrer mourir naitre (hat) partir repartir tomber verbes pronominaux. Yay me.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

New Post

Hey Look. I'm posting something. Been a while, eh? My apologies for not getting around to my blog lately. You should all join Facebook. Then I wouldn't have to keep up with blogging AND facebooking. No just kidding. I love blogging. It's a lot freeer. How do you spell free-er? freer or freeer? or free-er. It's so much more free (ha there we go) than Facebook can be. Whatever. Actually the two of you who took the time to complain to me in person about my lack-of-blog-itis are both facebookers, so I guess it's not even a solution.

Anyway here are some recent pictures of kids and the kittens. (Kittens are 6 weeks old today.)

They still nurse a couple times a day, but Kitty is trying hard to wean them.
This was their first meal. Orange didn't eat, but Grey dove right in, arms straight out sideways, face-first in his food. Eliza was more dainty and kept her arms neatly under her.

Sleeping on a buckaroo hat from Sage's birthday.

hmm.. do I have room for one more crunchie?

I got the kids costumes from Wal-Mart a while ago, and tried them on today. The tiger suit is a little short, so before we take the tags off, we'll post an alternate costume option for him and you guys can vote on which is cuter.

Action shot of our toddling tiger.