Monday, November 05, 2007

Several Things

Several things to catch you up on:

Most importantly, our baby sitter reconsidered after a few adjustments to the current process, and we've come to a mutually fullfilling compromise to the situation. Yay for no strangers watching our kids!!! (relief beyond belief)

Second, last night Jake and I went to poker while Sabrina and Chris watched the kids. There were about 100 people, and I PLACED FOURTH!! I won $15 for an online poker site. Not bad for free entry! Plus, if we rack up enough points throughout the 12 week tournament and get in the top 50 points earners, we get into the semi-finals, and if we place in the top 8, we go to the finals, and if one of us wins, the grand prize is a trip to anywhere in the Carribean!!

Third, the last two kittens found an amazing home together and here are some pictures of their last day with us:
Kitty senses something's up..
Sasha, as he's been named, on a lion's head.
Kitty gives Socrates, as he's been named, a last-minute bath before he leaves..
..which turned into a little mild wrestling.
Good bye guys.. I will miss you...
Kitty says "where are you two going?"
Kitty has almost adjusted to the loss of her brood, but she still meows for them in the wee hours of the morning while I'm getting ready for work. Saturday morning while I was rubbing her tummy, she heard Lacey make a small noise in the kitchen and she perked right up and said "mmerrp?" The kittens had left Thursday evening. Hopefully her walnut-sized brain will mercifully forget them soon.

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