Sunday, May 25, 2008


Hayden is feeling better. Jake took him to the clinic on Thursday evening because he'd shown no improvement, and the doctor said both ears were infected and prescribed antibiotics. Almost right away it turned him around and by now, on the fourth day, he's made it the entire day without any motrin for pain.

The kittens eyes are starting to crack open, being one week old today. They're so cute! I love them. More picture soon.

Tilly is getting very big! So hard to believe two weeks ago she was so tiny and now she's almost able to get up on the couch by herself. She can make it up the step at the door all by herself. You know your puppy is getting big when her poops are double the size they used to be. Gross, but true. More pictures soon. Not of poops.

Sage is talking up a storm these days. We are going to take him to a free service called Word Play which helps develop language skills. He's supposed to have 50-100 words and we've made a list: he knows 40. Almost every day he comes up with a new one, and I add it to the list. Today he said "rock". We were outside and he was holding a rock and held it up and said "uhn?" and I said "rock" so he said "bock!"

Today was free hamburger day at Harveys and my dad came over and we all went in the van to the Home Depot Harveys and stood in the big line (but not overwhelmingly big) and got some yummy lunch. It was nice to spend so much time with my dad. We went on our trip and then a few days after we got back, he went on a trip down to Atlanta Georgia to visit his sister Joan. So we haven't seen much of each other lately. Sage calls him "Boppa" and Hayden says "Grampa". Anya calls him "Poppa" which she started on her own. I wonder what the twins will call him?

So another work week looms its terrible head before me. Last week I only worked 3 days because Monday was the holiday and then Tuesday Hayden was too sick to go to daycare. This week will be a full 5 days. bleh. I think I was only meant to work part-time, like, genetically speaking. But I still want to get paid the same. Can I do that?

This was a great weekend. The temperature was perfect, around 20 C on Saturday (70 F) and sunny. Marlene came over and we sat outside enjoying the weather. The water table I bought for the kids entertained them endlessly. And us too. OH and today when we went outside to sit and visit with my dad I noticed what I thought was a toad in the grass and when I bent down to look, it was a HUGE HIDEOUS BEETLE. My dad was interested in taking pictures of it and took it home in an old glass peanut jar. I had the heebie jeebies for a looong time afterwards. I'm hoping he'll send me a photo or two of it and I found a bug website where if you submit a photo, they'll help you find out what kind it is.

Take care, brush your hair. I'm going to bed now.


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