Friday, May 22, 2009

Mutual Of Omaha's Wild Kingdom - At-Home Version part II

Well last night I heard the bunnies screaming again. This time it was pretty late, and Jake had already gone to bed. I was up watching So You Think You Can Dance on the west-coast channel. I love that show! But back to the bunny screams. They were screaming. I got up to go chase Kitty inside, but I was too late. I saw her carrying the baby bunny from behind the van into the shrubbery. The momma bunny was under the van. I went into the yard and Kitty dropped the poor little thing, which was still alive but stunned, and I wanted to grab Kitty and let the baby hop away, but I took a moment too long to think about which to grab - cuz I thought for a second that maybe I should grab the baby, then changed my mind - and Kitty did the grabbing and ran away under the McDowell fence with it. The momma bunny following along behind her a good distance away, in the shadows. I'm holding a grudge against Kitty.

1 comment:

MC said...

Bad Kitty!
GOOD So You Think You Can Dance!! :D