Friday, July 24, 2009

Oh yeah, NOW I remember...

We had to get dinner out tonight. We were both tired and had had long days at work, plus it being payday, it's usually take-out night when these factors align. I said "I feel like eating out instead of getting takeout. We haven't eaten in a restaurant in forever." Jake, who works in a restaurant, didn't want to. But then he changed his mind, and we went as a family to Casey's. We did all the usual things to maximize the experience: ordered kids' food quickly and asked them to bring it asap; put all knives and salt-shakers out of grabby's reach; ordered the same drink for both boys so no one would be jealous. It all started to go downhill after we forgot to tell her to bring the kids' drinks AFTER the meal. Jake had been to Zellers and had a colouring book for Sage and a phonics book for Hayden. Golden, right? Nope. They didn't want to stop playing with them when their food got there. Then chicky didn't come back around for many minutes while the kids whined for ketchup. Then they brought my fajita stuff tower which was an object of distraction. Then Sage dipped his coaster into his plum sauce. Luckily I grabbed it from him before he frisbeed it across the restaurant. Sage didn't want to sit in his chair. Sage really didn't want to do that. A lot. It didn't help when Hayden had to pee and Mommy and Hayden left the table.. why can't *I* leave the table tooooooo? he said with his whines and cries and misbehaviour. Then our food got there. Jake got his salad, steak, and bread all at once. He ate his salad. I was eating my fajitas. I offered a fajita wrap to Sage; one of his favourite types of bread. Nope. didn't want it, and it ended up on the floor. Big white circle on the black floor. I didn't want to pick it up because there was no where on the tiny table to put a dirty fajita wrap. Sage misbehaved some more and Jake, finished his salad, said he would take him outside. I was to get the cheque, ask for everything to be wrapped up. The kids hardly touched their dinners, Jake's full platter was not touched yet, and I had about 1/3 of my fajitas left when Hayden announced he had to poop. Jake was outside. Damn. Waitress again gone into oblivion. Plus they all dress the same, are all young, and all have the same hairdo. Casey's hires clones. I asked Hayden if he could wait. Nope. Damn Damn. I stopped one of the clones and told her where I'd been sitting, asking her to get all the food wrapped up and the cheque and we weren't dashing but my son had to go to the washroom and husband was outside with other son... (dancing Hayden) ok? ok thanks. In the washroom again.. waiting for Hayden to finish up. I didn't tell him to hurry. I didn't ask him to pinch it off, but he thought he was done, wiped, pulled up his underwear and said "Oh I have to poop some more but I can wait till we get home." "really Hayden? you can wait? why don't you just finish here?" "no I'll wait." "But when you get That Feeling you should listen to your body. Here's a toilet, why don't you just go?" "No I'm okay." "Okay, let's go home then." "uh.. I think I should finish pooping here." arg!! "Okay Hayden. You stay here for a second, okay? Mommy will be RIGHT BACK." I left to go see if our waitress was around to confirm with her we were not dashing. I saw the real her (not a clone) and I said "You packed up all our food? I 'll get the cheque too once my son's done in the washroom" she had nodded. I went back, Hayden was done so we both washed our hands and I picked up the to-go bag and paid. It was lighter than I thought it would've been. I looked inside. "Oh, I'd wanted all the food packed up.. this is just the steak" "um.. well actually they thought you all had left so they cleared the table and threw most of it away.. I only just barely saved the steak." ARG!!!! Two barely touched kids meals, $7 each, 1/3 of a $17 fajita dinner, and she barely saved Jake's steak? AAARRRRGGG!!!!

I didn't want to deal with it today. But tomorrow I will be calling the manager and asking for some sort of rebate. OUR COLOURING BOOKS WERE STILL ON THE TABLE. There were piles and mountains of food uneaten!!! I had told people what was going on... !!!! what a waste of money, time, and I regret it immensely. And we will NOT be going out to dinner again for a long long time.. unless there's a babysitter.


Carol said...

Oh, blah. I feel for you. Give 'em 'ell. I hope you didn't leave much tip.

Love C.

Dara said...

WELL?? Did they compensate you??

Hussicots said...

No I decided to let it go and just forget about it.

MC said...

Wow, that's an uber horror story that your kids will be laughing about when their 20....hopefully by then, you can too! :P *hugs*