Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Family Update

- was deemed today to be 'the most stubborn kid I've ever had' by his daycare teacher Louise
- knows how to write the letters S and H but refuses to try or acknowledge that he knows any others
- knows his colours but again, refuses to let us know he knows and tries to throw us off by intentionally saying the wrong colour when asked. we know it's intentional because I heard him telling Hayden at dinner the other night that his plate was yellow and Hayden's plate was red.
- gets a Monkey face when he's about to trick us
- is slowly being more successful in his potty training but still wears a diaper all day
- loves daycare and loves field trips, can't wait for school next year

- loves Kindergarten and is quickly learning a TON of French, speaking in French sentences already
- has recently requested to watch French cartoons on tv
- grew an inch since May
- is anxious for his birthday which he suspects will be soon, right after Halloween
- thinks Halloween is very soon
- wants to be Spider Man, Super Man, a dragon, a dinosaur, AND the big bad wolf for Halloween. All at once.
- has slept in his own bed all night through for 5 nights in a row (this is phenominal, the first time in his life he's done this!!)

- is working out a ton and has developed rock hard abs so far :)
- is going to turn 34 on Monday
- could open his own small business designing t-shirts galore
- is excited to see his family in October (18 months since our last visit)

- is scared that the Santa Clause parade is less than two months away
- wants a large intricate butterfly tattoo for her left forearm *looks Carol's way*
- thinks maybe some nightschool may be in her future (computer courses?)
- would love to have the Beatles Rock band game for Xbox
- can't wait to see all the American Relatives!! Here we come!

1 comment:

Carol said...

A butterfly? I think I've developed amnesia. I thought you wanted music notes? I have to admit, I haven't had time to think about it yet. :)
