Monday, September 18, 2006

The summer's gone...

...and all the flowers are dying...

Jake's birthday is on the autumn equinox, and with that brings the end of another summer. Oh Danny boy, oh Danny boy I love you so.

My inner poet is trying to get out.

My mom read me a poem I wrote a lo-ong time ago that Carol quoted in a letter to my grandmother which my mother had saved. One of the lines I remember went "Sisters sisters sisters/They help you when you have blisters". What a great line. Although I don't really remember Carol ever really helping me when I had blisters, she's very dependable and helpful nevertheless.

Here's that poem revised for 2006:

Sisters sisters sisters
Sometimes help you when you have blisters
But if they don't
As sometimes they won't
Then they won't be allowed to play twister.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't want to play twister anyway. Pbbbbllllttt.
