Sunday, November 12, 2006

Snowbaby -er, I mean Snowtoddler

Today I promised Hayden we would go outside and play in the snow. Last night I bought him some boots, but they turned out to be too small. I'll have to exchange the SIZE EIGHTS for SIZE NINES! Holy big feet, Batman.
This is what I put on Hayden in order to play outside, in this order: Thick socks, thick jogging pants, turtleneck onesie (I had to lower the pants again to button it), polar fleece sweater, mittens, snowpants, rubber boots, heavy winter parka, toque. He could hardly walk! Even tho the boots didn't fit, Jake convinced me that we weren't going to freeze his toes off if he wore his rubber boots. Then I put on my own shoe-boots and a sweater and since I was sweating heavily from applying all Hayden's snow gear, that's all I got. I grabbed the camera and out we went!
At first he didn't want to let go of me, understandably since his ballance was all off. But then he loosened up and let me take a few steps away from him. Then he fell down and got snow on his mitten, which made that hand totally useless, of course. I put the camera back inside and we walked around the yard in the wonderful packing snow. Then his boot came off and he didn't want the other one on either, and kicked that one off too. So I carried him inside (no easy feat when he's wearing slippery snow gear!) and he cried for 20 minutes wanting back out, but he didn't want his boots back on. So, if you tally up all the time it took getting him ready and after the fact dealing with his sadness, that's about 45 minutes worth of trouble for a 7 1/2 minute excursion outside. Who said parenting wasn't fun?

Almost a Snow Angel

The Useless Hand

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oohhh! Look at all the pretty snow! Well I'm glad it got to you before it got to me because I spent the entire day yesterday closing up my pool! I know, I know, I should've done it earlier, but I haven't been HOME on weekends! It was a long tedious, painful process but now that it's done I say, "BRING ON THE SNOW!!" So yeah, feel free to send it my way anytime now. :)