Saturday, December 30, 2006

Almost New Year's Eve

I snuck in a turkey dinner last night. I went on a spur-of-the-moment trip to North Bay on Thursday night to return some pants and get in on the last day of the Boxing Day sales at Penningtons. Carol had my receipt which is why I had to shop in North Bay. Anyway they cooked their turkey and made a feast for Friday night's supper, so I stayed over night on Thursday and helped make their wonderful dinner. It was soo good! Visiting with them was good too. Jake didn't go because he had to work Friday. It was kinda funny because all of us were sick, Me, Hayden, Sage, Anya, Carol, and BJ, and as we were cooking we were laughing because of the lack of senses of taste and smell cuz of all the colds. Carol joked that when she's better if she tries some of the left-overs they're all going to be too salty or too sweet cuz of how we had to flavour them in order to taste something while we were sick.

Tomorrow I'm going to the family's Christmas/New Year's Eve party at my aunt's house. It's a pot-luck Indian meal dinner. I'm not sure how I'm going to enjoy it, but I'll give it a go. I think I'll like what I'm bringing: Zucchini Cous-Cous. If not then it'll just make getting drunk go faster. Yes! I will be drinking. Last time I drank was LAST new year's and I didn't know I was pregnant already with Sage. Writing this has reminded me that I have not yet gone to get my beverage of choice, so I shall be off now, in order to get it.


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