Monday, March 05, 2007

First Bath Together!

Since Sage is pretty good at sitting now, with just a little support needed, I figured that he'd be ready for his bath ring! Which is great, because he'd outgrown his baby bathtub a while ago, and the bathroom sink was getting smaller and smaller. I took some pictures of Hayden and Sage's first bath, and I also took some video, but for lack of light they didn't turn out.

In other news, my interview went well. She said they're hiring in about 2 weeks when the renovations that were started today are complete, but that she wants me to have a second interview with her boss, the big manager. Also she said if I was interested, there was a management spot open as well. I told her I was perfectly happy to come into the company at entry-level, and that I was really looking for part time, because I didn't have any retail management experience. Anyway she seemed pretty enthusiastic.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aww! Hooray for baby bathtime together! They're so cute.
Congrats on the good interview. Hope the next one goes well too.
Miss ya.