Saturday, January 12, 2008

Snow Angel

Hayden and I got dressed for the out doors this afternoon and went outside to play in the newly fallen snow that yesterday brought. It was so sunny and bright today! Gorgeous. I wanted Lacey to come out and play with us too, so I asked Jake if he could let her out of the kitchen (I had snow on my boots already). She came over to the door and as I bent down to grab her collar, voom! She took off.

Hayden and I walked around with her leash, calling and whistling for her to come back. We had a good time walking around the large compound/parking lot of McDowell Equipment. We didn't see hide or hair of Lacey tho. Then on a pass by our house, I noticed fresh dog tracks running behind our house. Well, the tracks weren't running, but a big dumb dog had been. I walked around the side of the house and there was Lacey, face-deep in the bags of garbage we had behind the house. Nice. I tied her to her lead and kicked snow at her while she chomped at it for about 20 minutes. She was crazy excited to bite the snow. She was drooling and running back and forth and jumping, it was loads of fun! Hayden thought she was hillarious. I showed Hayden how to make a snow angel and he made a cute little Hayden-sized one. He liked to eat the snowballs that were forming on his mittens. He also liked throwing snow at Lacey. I was hoping it would be warm enough to be packing snow so we could build a snow man, but even tho it wasn't terribly cold, the snow wasn't warm enough to stick together. Oh well. Another day.

It was cute today Hayden kept telling me he had a butterfly sitting on his arm, and he liked the butterfly and he thought it was SOO Cute, see? He's talking a lot and adding lots of words into his sentences. One of his favorite things to say is "see?" at the end of his sentences. "Here's my blue ball with yellow, see?" "My boo boo hurts, see?" "Sage is hungry, see?" or Now. "I want some water NOW." "I need a green crayon NOW." We've explained to him that it's not polite to be so demanding.

Oh and one more thing. Easy come, easy go with the gas gauge. I went out to visit my friend Marlene tonight, who lives between Wahnapitae and Markstay (about 15 minutes east of our house) so I needed gas. Jake said "Don't fill the tank!" and I agreed. But we collect Bonus Bucks at Pioneer gas station. I wanted $0.30 for 40 litres. The tank was pretty empty and it takes over 60L for a fill-up, so I thought 40 would give us plenty without being full. Well, it filled it and I think the stupid thing is stuck again. I'm pretty sure that the trip out to Marlene's would've made a dint in the gas, but sadly it still shows full. Ahh well.


Anonymous said...

Puppy snow time is soooo much fun! Tundra loves to roll, bite, and bury herself in the snow too. And Whiskey just likes to run like a monster and attack Tundra. :P WHEEEE!!

Carol said...

Do you need or want a spare gas container? We have an extra small one (one gallon? she thinks?) that you could cart around in your trunk, just in case. Let me know, and we'll bring it out Saturday.


Hussicots said...

Sure. That would be nice. We know that a full tank of gas will give us about 180 miles without running it too low. We went 200 one time, but I wouldn't push it that far every time. It would be good to know there's some security in the trunk. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I thought you weren't supposed to carry full tanks of gas in your trunk, in case of collision (boom). Is that an old wives' tale?

Hussicots said...

a) who are you

b) I don't know

c) I tried to google if it was allowed and didn't get anywhere

d) jake doesn't want to carry a full can in the trunk because of the fumes, so we're not doing it.