Friday, January 12, 2007

Pee on the potty!

Last night Hayden told me he pooped, which means if he hadn't pooped yet, that he would soon be doing so. Jake said "Let's go try and poop on the potty!" and whisked him away to the bathroom. He put the little seat on the toilet and sat Hayden down, gave him a lolly pop and spent about 20 minutes in there telling him what a good boy he was and that he should poop into the potty. Hayden didn't even freak out or anything. He just sat there and talked to Jake about the potty and poop and other related subjects. After a bit he peed into the potty, and we cheered and congratulated him and he got another lolly pop. He didn't end up pooping, but we were so proud, and told him so a lot, so much that now he can say "Pee on the potty!" (FYI cuz I know you're wondering, he pooped about 15 minutes later.)

Today he had something in his eye and I tried to irrigate with warm water by squirting it into the corner of his eye with a medicine syringe (washed out thoroughly). He didn't like that. But I think whatever it was that was in there is gone, cuz he ended up crying so much as well it must have washed out (I hope). After he was finished being upset we were still in the bathroom drying off (the water went everywhere) and he said "pee on the potty" so I asked him if he wanted to try sitting on the potty. He say "yeah" and off came his pants and diaper and he sat on the potty for about 5 minutes. He was ready to get down before anything came out, but of course I gave him a lolly pop (a "potty pop"!) just for trying. These are great steps forward because up till now he's been scared of even sitting on his small potty with his clothes on. He did sit on Anya's potty last time we were there, and I'd like to get one similarly shaped for him, since he was more comfortable with hers.

Congratulations Hayden! You're on your way!

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